Jun 5, 2017 by Chris Wood, Ph.D.

PCWASA is utilizing flow modeling and hydraulic modeling technology to gather valuable system data to help plan future capital improvements for the benefit of customers.
To make sure its sewer system is functioning properly in all types of conditions, PCWASA officials are taking a proven approach to monitor and model sewer collection and conveyance. PCWASA is investing $300,000 in sanitary sewer system flow monitoring and hydraulic modeling technology.
First, the Authority awarded a bid to ADS Environmental Service to perform flow monitoring within its system. Flow monitoring is used to attain a base measure of flow within a sewer system, so PCWASA staff then can identify areas of inflow and infiltration (I&I) during heavy rain events.
In addition, the PCWASA Board approved a contract with MWH Americas, LLC to perform hydraulic modeling of the sanitary sewer system. Hydraulic modeling allows PCWASA staff to assess the performance of the sewer system under various peak conditions.
Flow monitoring and advanced hydraulic modeling ultimately allow the Authority to achieve three major objectives. First, this process will certify the sewer pipe and pump capacity of the PCWASA system, so the Authority remains in compliance with requirements of the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District.
Furthermore, the hydraulic model will aid the Authority in evaluating the impact of any major customer connections or new additions to the system.
Finally, flow monitoring and hydraulic modeling can be used in conjunction with data already collected by PCWASA staff and contractors from RedZone Robotics, to identify necessary repair and rehab projects for the future.
Media contact:
Chris Wood, Ph.D.
Phone: 770-757-1681
Email: jcwood@uga.edu or chris@jwapr.com