Apr 17, 2017 by Chris Wood, Ph.D.

Crews from RDJE, Inc. completed sewer line install and rehab work in the Pebblestump neighborhood two years ago. This general contractor won the most recent bid for the PCWASA Emergency Services Contract.
Last fall prior to the beginning of the current fiscal year, PCWASA selected two contractors to fill the Annual Services and Emergency Services Contracts.
Crawford Grading & Pipeline, Inc. was the low-bid winner of the PCWASA Annual Services Contract, while RDJE, Inc. was the low bidder for the Emergency Services Contract. Both general contractors have worked well for the Authority previously, says PCWASA General Manager Stephen Hogan. The budget for the Annual Services Contract is not to exceed $400,000, while the Emergency Services Contract budget is capped at $50,000.
PCWASA implemented the Annual and Emergency Services Contracts in 2011. The purpose of these contracts is to have contractor-provided services and support to maintain, repair, and modify the sewer collection system and wastewater treatment operations, which are beyond the capabilities of PCWASA personnel. An additional requirement of the Emergency Services Contractor is that they must be able to respond to an incident within four hours.
These contracts provide unit pricing for the most common types of materials and equipment needed to construct or repair infrastructure within both the wastewater collection system or treatment plants. By paying a fixed dollar amount on materials and labor for projects outlined in the respective contracts, PCWASA saves time and money, especially in cases of emergency repairs to the system.
Media contact:
Chris Wood, Ph.D.
Phone: 770-757-1681
Email: jcwood@uga.edu or chris@jwapr.com