RedZone Robotics, the PCWASA contractor selected to assess the condition of the Authority’s sewer system, provides a demonstration of how the Solo Unmanned Robot inspects a sewer line.
RedZone Robotics, the PCWASA contractor in charge of providing a conditional assessment on the status of the Authority’s sewer system, provides a demonstration on how manholes are inspected using robotics technology.
The Peachtree City Water and Sewerage Authority is using the newest technologies and innovations to assess the condition of its sewer system and implement sewer line rehabilitation as a result. The Authority contracted with RedZone Robotics in the spring of 2012 to begin conditional assessments with the use of the RedZone Solo Robot. Officials from Garden City, Georgia visited Peachtree City in the fall of 2012 to see the robots in action.
The Peacthree Water and Sewerage Authority aggressively pursues projects to rehabilitate the sewer system to better serve its customers. One project involves pipe lining technology, which is being used to rehab sewer lines in the Planterra Ridge Golf Club subdivision. These pictures show pipe lining work being conducted at Planterra by Authority contractors from Bo Scarbrough & Company and CaJenn.
Photos taken of facilities and operations throughout the PCWASA system.
Construction continued during the summer of 2013 on the Meade Field Lift Station. The Meade Field Pump Station and Force Main project during its early stages in the spring and summer of 2013.
Like finding a needle in a haystack, PCWASA contractors from Strack, Inc. found a lost wedding ring in the flower garden of a customer while performing sewer line maintenance in her neighborhood.
During the month of May (2013), the Peachtree City Water and Sewerage Authority (PCWASA) began assisting Fayette Water System with cleanup of water and sludge from the water treatment lagoons at the Fayette Crosstown Water Treatment Plant.
The Peachtree City Biosolids Treatment Facility during construction, with before and after photos.