Oct 28, 2012 by Dr. Chris Wood
The Peachtree City Water and Sewerage Authority (PCWASA) will be hosting an open house at its headquarters and Rockaway Wastewater Treatment Plant on Saturday, Nov. 3, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The facility is located at 1127 Highway 74 South in Peachtree City.
Authority officials say the open house is designed in part to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the creation of PCWASA by Act of the Georgia General Assembly in 1987, as well as to educate the public on the nature of Authority facilities and operations that provide sewer services, while enhancing economic development and quality of life, for the citizens of Peachtree City.
During the open house at PCWASA on Saturday, Nov. 3, guests will be able to tour the PCWASA headquarters and Rockaway Plant and Lab, while viewing displays and product demonstrations by Authority vendors, who are working on PCWASA projects and programs in the field. Visitors will also be able to learn more about the history of Peachtree City through the development of its Water and Sewerage Authority.
The first operations of a sewer system in Peachtree City date back to 1970, when Georgia Utilities Company began to establish infrastructure to support local economic development. PCWASA was originally created in 1973 by an Act of the Georgia State Legislature (known as the Peachtree City Water, Sewerage, and Recreational Authority Act). However, today the Authority operates according to the revised enabling legislation that went into effect March 31, 1987, after the passing of House Bill 1132, Act 411 (where the “Recreational” component of the Authority was dropped), which re-established PCWASA as a legal, public corporation of the state.
According to this enabling legislation, the primary purpose of the Authority is to acquire, operate, and maintain facilities that provide for the collection, treatment, and disposal of sewage. In managing the sewer system of the City of Peachtree City, the Authority is empowered to do all things necessary to accomplish this purpose.
As a utility, PCWASA is charged with collection and treatment of public, commercial, and industrial wastewater with the City. The Authority owns and operates the entire sewer system infrastructure located within Peachtree City. The Authority’ related services, in addition to the collection and treatment of sewage, include maintenance of sewer lines and installation of new sewer infrastructure. PCWASA is authorized to acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve, better and extend projects for the collection, treatment, and disposal of sewage waste and any related services.
Media contact:
Chris Wood, Ph.D.
770-757-1681 (phone)
jcwood@uga.edu OR chris@jwapr.com (email)