Jul 21, 2017 by Chris Wood, Ph.D.

Keisha Lisbon Thorpe (center), PCWASA Division Manager of Technical Services, received the Georgia Association of Water Professionals Alva T. Storey Award for her service to the profession.
During the Annual Conference of the Georgia Association of Water Professionals (GAWP) this summer, Keisha Lisbon Thorpe, PCWASA Division Manager of Technical Services, received the coveted Alva T. Storey Award for industry service.
The purpose of this Award is to recognize a person for years of outstanding service related to activities in support of GAWP. The award honors a water professional who has provided a level of service above and beyond the call of duty, exemplifying the essence of GAWP success.
The Alva T. Storey Award reflects Keisha’s voluntary service in the form of GAWP leadership and administration, membership recruitment, technical contributions, training and encouragement of other water professionals, as well as support and advocacy for the Association and profession.
Media contact:
Chris Wood, Ph.D.
Phone: 770-757-1681
Email: jcwood@uga.edu or chris@jwapr.com