May 1, 2017 by Chris Wood, Ph.D.

Nathan Brooks (far right), PCWASA Construction Coordinator, is pictured directing a safety demonstration during a past industry conference. Brooks has been inducted into the industry’s prestigious Golden Manhole Society.
During the Fall Conference of the Georgia Association of Water Professionals (GAWP), PCWASA Construction Coordinator Nathan Brooks was inducted into the 2016 Golden Manhole Society.
Brooks has been a leader within GAWP, even chairing the Association’s Safety Committee. His induction into the Golden Manhole Society comes as the result of a recommendation from the GAWP Collections Committee, which is another group of water professionals familiar with Nathan’s excellent work and volunteer service within the industry.
The Golden Manhole Society was formed in 2003, by the Executive Committee of the Georgia Section of the Water Environment Federation (GWEF). This state industry association established this honor to promote pride and professionalism in wastewater collection system operations through GWEF.
Being selected to join the ranks of the Golden Manhole Society is a high honor, recognizing individuals who have made a significant contribution to the art and science of collection system operations through the operation, maintenance, design, construction, management, planning, education, training, or certification of collection systems. In addition, Golden Manhole Society Members have demonstrated exemplary service to GWEF and GAWP.
Congratulations to PCWASA Construction Coordinator Nathan Brooks for being selected to join this elite group who are the best of the best water professionals working in the operation of wastewater collection systems!
Media contact:
Chris Wood, Ph.D.
Phone: 770-757-1681
Email: or