Jun 26, 2017 by Chris Wood, Ph.D.

The PCWASA Board awarded a low bid of $404,380 to Vac Vision Environmental to continue manhole rehabilitation within the Authority’s sewer system.
With extensive data collected on the condition of PCWASA sewer lines and manholes by RedZone Robotics, the Authority Board has approved the next phase of manhole rehabilitation for the utility’s sewer collection system.
During its June Board Meeting, the PCWASA Board awarded a low bid of $404,380 to Vac Vision Environmental. Authority engineering consultants from Integrated Science and Engineering (ISE) prepared the drawings and specifications for this project, which involve the rehab or repair of 215 of the remaining 629 manholes in need of maintenance.
Authority appropriations for this project come from the FY 2017 Renewal & Extension Budget, which consists of ratepayer dollars invested back into the system to improve sewer collection, conveyance and treatment services, for the benefit of PCWASA customers.
Media contact:
Chris Wood, Ph.D.
Phone: 770-757-1681
Email: chris@jwapr.com