Mar 12, 2012 by Dr. Chris Wood
Now that the Biosolids Treatment Facility has opened at the Peachtree City Water & Sewerage Authority’s Line Creek Plant, the facility now features the reuse, or recycling, of both wastewater and biosolids that result from the site’s water reclamation processes. Talk about a win-win.
For years, the Line Creek Plant has provided permitted spray irrigation of treated wastewater at nearby Planterra Ridge Golf Course and other are recreational facilities. The treated wastewater is completely safe and provides an ideal supplement, or in some cases replacement, for potable water that’s often used for golf course irrigation.
The Line Creek Water Reclamation Plant is a regular sludge activated plant; however, the plant features advanced filters that treat wastewater after the sludge activation stage of the process. In addition, the plant has triple backup ultraviolet (UV) disinfection to complete a highly advanced form of wastewater treatment.
For that reason, industry regulators at the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) permit PCWASA to send some of the treated wastewater (effluent) from the Line Creek Plant to a holding pond at Planterra Ridge for eventual spray irrigation on the golf course.
The other two means of permitted wastewater discharge from the Line Creek Plant include an amount that is put back into Line Creek, and a required amount put back into Flat Creek at the site of the old wastewater treatment plant outfall, in order to maintain and preserve valuable wetlands downstream.
Media contact:
Chris Wood, Ph.D.
770-757-1681 (phone) (email)