The Peachtree City Water and Sewerage Authority (Authority) is governed by a five-member Authority Board. The Authority owns and operates two wastewater treatment facilities, as well as approximately 200 miles of gravity sewer and force main and 38 pumping stations, which serve more than 11,000 customers within Peachtree City. Approximately 75 percent of the Authority sewer infrastructure has been in service for nearly 20 years or more, with the oldest sewers installed approximately 45 years ago.
The Authority sewer system provides sewer services to residential, commercial, and industrial customers in Peachtree City with a geographic service area of approximately 24 square miles. The Fayette County Water System provides drinking water service to residents and businesses within the City.
The Authority was created by an act of the Georgia Legislature as a public, nonprofit organization. The origin of the sewer system in Peachtree City actually dates back to 1970, when operations commenced to provide some form of sewer services for City residents and businesses. The system was acquired by the Authority from Georgia Utilities Company on May 29, 1997. Since that time, the Authority has owned and operated the public sewer system in Peachtree City.
The Mission of the Peachtree City Water and Sewerage Authority is to be a steward of our community’s water resources, providing wastewater services to our customers with exceptional efficiency, while maintaining a robust and resilient infrastructure system that makes this possible.